
Once your order is placed with us, we will process your order within 2 working days of payment confirmation. All orders are sent from our London (United Kingdom) warehouse.

Unfortunately we’re unable to guarantee a specific delivery date with our standard delivery service. Our standard delivery service takes 1-4 weeks. However we do have an expedited delivery service which will deliver within 7 days. If you require your order by a certain date, please contact us prior to placing your order so we can assist you with the best delivery service available.

During festive seasons like Easter and Christmas, we suggest you place your orders as early as possible to allow enough time for us to process and dispatch your order, and to allow for delivery times. Delivery times may be extended due to seasonal delays, which are beyond our control.

Delivery times are estimated in working days, and apply from the day of dispatch; however they do not include any delays subject to Customs. Please check with your local Customs authority to check and ensure if there are any restrictions or duties involved with your purchase, and any charges incurred for this will be applicable to you as the customer.

We are unable to accept any responsibility for delivery delays due to anything outside of control; these include natural disasters or weather, fire, civil unrest, volcanic ash cloud, other acts of God, war, Customs inspection or industrial action.

If you have any questions regarding delivery of your purchase please complete the Contact Us Form, please provide your order number.